- Entries on 18 Historical Rockets from ancient China to World War I.
- 42 pages
- 8½” x 11”, Laser printed
- Plastic scuff covers (clear front, black back), GBC “comb” binding
- Color cover w/ B&W illustrations
- 17 photographs, 15 vintage illustrations
- 16 dimensioned/color-coded drawings
- Historical summaries
- $21.00
The First Seven Centuries of Rocketry is the latest of Peter Alway’s supplements to Rockets of the World. It tells the story of old-fashioned black powder rocketry from ancient China through the air-to-air rockets of World War I, by way of 18 specific rockets (detailed in the “Contents” below).
Like all booklets in this series, each rocket gets a detailed dimensioned reference drawing. While all of the photos and illustrations are reproduced in black and white, the drawings include the complete color data you need to paint your models accurately.
Entries on each of the following rockets include historical summaries and dimensioned and color-keyed drawings.
- Huo-Chien: Chinese Rocket Arrows (2 versions)
- Sin-Gi-Geon: Korea’s Magical Machine Arrows (2 versions)
- Firpyl: 16th Century Swedish Fire Arrow
- Rockets of Robert Anderson (from 1696 manual)
- The Rockets of Tipu Sultan (sword rocket)
- Congreve Rockets (32-pound incendiary rocket)
- Zasyadko’s Rockets (2 versions)
- William Hale’s Spin-Stabilized Rockets (24-pounder)
- The Boxer Lifesaving Rocket
- Konstantinov’s Lifesaving Rockets
- Spandau Lifesaving Rockets (2 versions)
- Cunningham Line-Carrying Rocket
- Alfred Maul’s Camera Rocket
- Le Prieur Aircraft Rocket