Twenty Rockets of Robert H. Goddard is the latest of Peter Alway’s supplements to Rockets of the World. It tells the story of Robert Goddard through 20 of his rockets (detailed in the “Contents” below). Known as the father of modern rocketry, Robert Goddard published one of the first works on spaceflight theory, revolutionized the solid-propellant rocket, flew the first liquid-propellant rockets, and flew the first guided rockets.
Drawings are based on Goddard’s own notebooks, so that modelers can build historically correct scale reproductions. Subjects include everything from an early (1918) solid-propellant rocket, to the first liquid-fueled rocket to fly, to Goddard's final, gigantic P-series rockets of the 40’s.
Like all booklets in this series, each rocket gets a detailed dimensioned reference drawing. While all of the photos and illustrations are reproduced in black and white, the drawings include the complete color data you need to paint your models accurately.
Entries on each of the following rockets include historical summaries and dimensioned and color-keyed drawings.